Monday, October 15, 2007


Its 4am Monday morning and for some reason i have this awful feeling that being AB is suddenly going to go away in my life or at least get but on the back burner. Somehow, things always end up like that with me and my Daddy.

This weekend has been really wonderful and i have discovered a new person inside me. i dont want that to go away or to just be a weekend thing. Already in this short time i dont think its something that will go away in me. But.... i have this feeling that like with everything else im gonna hafta be doing it by myself and my Daddy will just sit on the side line. Hes been really great this weekend. Being just as excited as me, being interested in things, talking to me, telling me how proud of me He is, and how good i have been and so on. But with everything its like once the newness wares off, then im on my own.
i hope its not like that this time